Archived Original Broadcasts (2013-2014)

Below are the archived radio show broadcasts which originally aired on 99.5 KKLA in Southern California when we had our Good Fight Radio Show on that station between Feb 10, 2013 – Nov 16, 2014.

We Are the Enemy [Part 2]

On this week's show Pastor Joe continues in Part 2 of "We Are the Enemy" to confront the culture of death in our nation. One of the most insightful statements regarding the problem we face is from a character by the name of "Pogo," the central character in a long...

We Are the Enemy [Part 1]

On this week's show Pastor Joe continues to confront the culture of death in our nation. One of the most insightful statements regarding the problem we face is from a character by the name of "Pogo," the central character in a long running daily American comic strip...

The Ministry of Revivus [Part 2]

On this week's show Pastor Joe Schimmel continues his interview with special guests Chad & Holly Davidson, founders of Revivus, a youth outreach ministry for at-risk kids. They continue to discuss how the ministry reaches out to at-risk kids and their upcoming annual...

The Ministry of Revivus [Part 1]

On this week's show Pastor Joe Schimmel interviews special guests Chad & Holly Davidson, founders of Revivus, a youth outreach ministry for at-risk kids. They discuss how the ministry was founded, its mission, and their upcoming annual Summer Event on July 27th...

Blaming God for Evil [Part 2]

On this week's show Pastor Joe continues to confront the culture of death in our nation. Many people are blaming guns for the problems our society faces on a daily basis, but what about the root problem of sin and the evil that is in men's hearts? Pastor Joe attempts...

Blaming God for Evil [Part 1]

On this week's show Pastor Joe confronts the culture of death in our nation. Many people are blaming guns for the problems our society faces on a daily basis, but what about the root problem of sin and the evil that is in men's hearts? When faced with horrible...

God Versus Darwin [Part 3]

On this week's show we continue our three part series by Pastor Joe Schimmel preached on a Sunday morning covering the evidence of creation by our Creator God, contrasted by the theory of evolution by Darwin. What makes more sense, everything came from nothing? Or a...

God Versus Darwin [Part 2]

On this week's show we continue our three part series by Pastor Joe Schimmel preached on a Sunday morning covering the evidence of creation by our Creator God, contrasted by the theory of evolution by Darwin. What makes more sense, everything came from nothing? Or a...

God Versus Darwin [Part 1]

On this week's show we begin a three part series by Pastor Joe Schimmel preached on a Sunday morning covering the evidence of creation by our Creator God, contrasted by the theory of evolution by Darwin. What makes more sense, everything came from nothing? Or a...

Islam and the Boston Bombers

On this week's show Pastor Joe Schimmel discusses the Boston Bombings and the influences behind the Tsarnaev brothers. How do the media handle the topic of Islam as it relates to terrorist attacks such as the one that took place in Boston? [audio...

Victory Over Satan’s Schemes [Part 2]

This week's show is Part 2 of a special message given by Pastor Joe Schimmel on a Wednesday evening bible study at Blessed Hope Chapel. The bible says that we are not to be ignorant of satan's devices (2 Corinthians 2:11). So how are satan's schemes being worked into...

Victory Over Satan’s Schemes [Part 1]

This week's show is a special message given by Pastor Joe Schimmel on a Wednesday evening bible study at Blessed Hope Chapel. The bible says that we are not to be ignorant of satan's devices (2 Corinthians 2:11). So how are satan's schemes being worked into our...

Kesha the Satanic Cult Leader

On this week's show Pastor Joe discusses one of the music industry's pop sensations, Kesha. With a brand new MTV show called "My Crazy Beautiful Life," many more unsuspecting youth will be pulled into her web of satanic lies through her music and her lifestyle. You'll...

Weapons of Mass Destruction and the Bible

On this week's show Pastor Joe talks about the threat of nuclear war throughout the world and what the bible has to say about the end times. In Matthew 24 Jesus' disciples ask Him what will be the signs of the end of the age. In Matthew 24:22 Jesus says, "And except...

To Judge Or Not To Judge? [Part 2]

On this week's show Pastor Joe continues his talk about judging. As Christians, are we suppose to judge? What types of judgments are we suppose to make according to scripture? We will continue to explore this topic on this week's show and find out what scripture has...

To Judge Or Not To Judge? [Part 1]

On this week's show Pastor Joe talks about a subject that comes up quite often with discernment ministries... the issue of judging. As Christians, are we suppose to judge? What types of judgments are we suppose to make according to scripture? We will explore this...